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The Basel mercenary officer Johann Heinrich Sulger (1646-1699) wrote an extensive travelogue of around 500 manuscript pages after his discharge from the service of the Dutch East India Company. This account provides diverse insights into his seven-year deployment in the border regions of Dutch hegemonic ambitions in Southeast Asia.
As part of the SNSF project «Digital Edition and Global Microhistory: A Basel Colonial Mercenary in the Southeast Asian Archipelago of the 17th Century» (2024-2028), a hybrid edition of this multifaceted ego document is being created. This edition will be made accessible to researchers and an interested readership in the form of both a digital and a physical historical source edition.
The goal of the digital edition is to make the early modern text accessible through a critical apparatus, semantic text markup, and enrichment with authority data and linked open data, as well as visualization using cartographic material based on a TEI/XML-encoded edition text.
Roberto Zaugg (UZH, Project Lead)
Myriam Schmidt (UZH, Research Associate)
Susanna Burghartz (University of Basel, Cooperation Partner and Co-Editor)