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Conrad Ferdinand Meyer Correspondence. Historical-Critical Digital Edition

Picture: Louis Viallet, 1876; Source: swisscollections

The research project plans the edition of the correspondence between C. F. Meyer and his Leipzig publisher Hermann Haessel as a modern personal correspondence edition. It consists of a total of five individual correspondences: the correspondence between Meyer and Haessel, between Meyer and his temporary secretary Fritz Meyer, and the publisher's correspondence with persons who acted as the author's deputies, agents, and assistants, such as Meyer's wife, his secretary, and especially his sister Betsy Meyer. The latter plays a prominent role not only as advisor and mediator, but also as co-author of Meyer's works. Of the total holdings - more than 2400 handwritten documents - only 272 letters of Meyer and some letters from the correspondence between Betsy Meyer and Haessel (partly fragmentary) have been published so far. The material is to be published in eight text and commentary volumes.

Project website

Technical Tools

  • Oxygen (XML markup and transformation)
  • Python (data conversion)
  • redmine (Project Management)

Usage Options

All data is encoded in XML. A widely used framework (Angular, nodejs, ElasticSearch) is used to build a modular web application. 

Functionalities of the edition: letter view, crit. Apparatus (text-critical + factual commentaries), synoptic with (annotated) indexes, search engine, biographical data.

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